It Happens

I just might frame that piece of paper.

InBodyYesterday Jerry and I worked a vendor’s fair telling people about the products I’ve taken to get healthy and lose weight. A vendor representing a fitness club had one of those machines I typically avoid like the plague.

Only today I got on it.

It measured my body composition–you know stuff like hydration, skeletal muscle mass, weight . . . BODY FAT.

I almost hugged the woman when she detailed my results. In every category I came out NORMAL. She even said, “do you drink a lot of water?”

“I try.” I responded.

“It shows!”

But here is the amazing part. When she looked at my body fat mass she told me I needed to drop 3.5 mom before the weddingpounds of body fat.

Seriously? Only 3.5 pounds???

This to the woman who weighed 210 last October?? To the one who stared at almost 60 extra pounds when she looked in the mirror?

It confirmed what I’d been feeling, that I had about 5 pounds to go.

I can barely believe it!

If you’ve been around here you know I haven’t been perfect on this journey. That I’ve struggled through the ups and downs most overweight people do. But today’s little piece of paper reminded me that change IS possible. It truly has happened and continues to happen for me.

If you know me, you know I’m not a hard sell kind of person. But let me say it straight this time. If you have been waffling about trying the BENew Weight Loss program, don’t wait. You don’t have to keep struggling. You don’t have to wonder if you can experience change. This can happen for you, too.

There are a few things in life I wish I could give to everyone I care about, a few things where my passion bubbles inside all of the time. One is a deep understanding of the full, total and unconditional love of Jesus Christ and God the Father. The second is the joy of emotional, spiritual, and relational health. And in the last six months the third has become the freedom of getting your life back after obesity.

I want these things for you, my friend. Love, joy, and freedom.

Believe you can find it. Pray for it. Stand firm in your choice for change. Don’t give up hope. Don’t quit.

Seek to be new, inside and out.

It can happen for you, too.

Share the hope with these tweetables:

It can happen for you, too!

Don’t give up!

4 thoughts on “It Happens

  1. booksbyjanice June 11, 2013 at 2:16 pm Reply

    So proud of you!

    Janice Hanna Thompson “Love, Laughter and Happily Ever Afters!” My website: My courses: My latest book: The Director’s Cut

    • Paula Moldenhauer June 11, 2013 at 3:15 pm Reply

      Ah, my friend . . . and SO proud of you, too. YOU have inspired me on this journey. You’re such a blessing!

  2. mariekeates June 11, 2013 at 7:55 pm Reply

    Great news!

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